Soil Roasters, an esteemed pioneer in the Saudi Arabian coffee industry, embarked on a transformative journey from a passionate coffee shop in 2018 to a prominent Coffee Roastery factory by early 2020. As the Brand Manager and Art Director of Soil Roasters, I undertook the responsibility of completely reimagining the brand's identity, aligning it with Soil's aspirations and core values. My focus centered on capturing the essence of the brand name "Soil" through an organic and minimalistic approach.
By employing secondary bold and vibrant colors inspired by nature's diverse palette, I sought to establish a visual language that resonated with Soil's ethos. Throughout this project, I executed the following key tasks:
Conducted a comprehensive rebranding of the entire identity
Designed captivating packaging solutions
Crafted a wide array of social media assets
By successfully delivering these outcomes, I ensured that the rebranded identity of Soil Roasters reflected the brand's essence and effectively communicated its unique story to the target audience.